Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Term Books & Parent-Teacher Interviews

Well, our first term is coming to an end! This Wednesday report cards will be sent home and I will be conducting my parent-teacher interviews on Thursday! This week we will be preparing "Term Books" in class which showcase some of the work we have done for the first term. The kids worked hard on them yesterday and we will hopefully be finishing them today! They're a great way to get a glimpse at what we are learning - and also a wonderful keepsake! I have sent schedules home for the interviews, stapled in planners, but please let me know if anything changes and you can no longer make it. A quick email or note in the planner will do. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and discussing the progress each student has been making!

See you soon!

Miss D

Monday, 10 November 2014

Math Test & Daffodils!

I just wanted to update everyone, incase there were any questions about the upcoming math test this Friday. The math test is on 4-digit addition with carrying (aka. regrouping). (Example: 8,432 + 3,456). The students have all shown a good understanding of the carrying strategy but should do a little bit of practicing at home. They should continue to check that they have carried (and shown this by placing the 1 above the correct column) and that they have added CORRECTLY. The main reason why students get answers wrong during our math lesson is that they have made simple adding mistakes. Checking answers and practicing flash cards will help them prepare and do well on the math test!


On a totally separate note, our class planted daffodils in a school garden on Friday. Each student got to plant a bulb and label it with their name. We analyzed the inside of a daffodil bulb and discussed what plants need to grow. The students dug a hole approximately 8 inches deep and made sure to plant the bulb with the roots down so that the plant will grow correctly. They had a great time and took care in finding a spot to put their bulb. We're looking forward to tracking their growth this spring! Here are a few pictures!

Monday, 3 November 2014

Science Quiz

Hello all!

We have been learning about light in science the past couple weeks and we have a quiz coming up on Thursday. The quizzes aren't long and are made up of matching, multiple choice, fill in the blank and true/false questions. There will be a short quiz at the end of each chapter we do! I will try to update the blog and review what the quiz is covering each time so that there aren't any questions about what should be studied! To study for a quiz it's best if the students know the vocabulary in their science dictionary (located in the duotang), and go over the "review" section of the text book chapter.

Our first quiz is on natural and artificial light which is chapter 4 in our textbook and goes with the corresponding duotang pages. Students should know the differences between the two and be able to give examples of both. It will consist of:

7 questions - given light sources that need to be labelled natural or artificial
1 question - multiple choice
5 questions - true or false
1 question - sentence answer